Friday, October 5, 2012

This weeks rage comic is....

This week I made a rage comic about playing Slender a very scary computer game, here it is.
Oren, Yotam I. Playing Slender. Digital image. Yotam Oren, Sept.-Oct. 2012. Web. Sept.-Oct. 2012.
If you played slender you know what I am talking about. This was not that hard to make it only takes 5 minutes and a little creativity. If anyone has any rage comic ideas they should post them on the comments page and if I like them I will make them into a comic and post them on my blog.
Just so you guys know this is a true story and slender is a very scary game I practically peed my pants that night. After playing Slender I deleted it right after and will never play it again.
Do you like my comics? Well do you? If you do then check out my Yotam's Cheezburger blog.
If you feel like making your own then go onto and click create in the top left corner good luck!  I would like to know everything stupid and funny that happens to you tell me your life story only if its boring I will not read it. If it is interesting I might turn it into a rage comic.

Hope you enjoyed I will be posting a new one next week